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497 C# Single line interview Questions part - 2

101)  What is inheritance explain?  Inheritance is a process of creating a new class from already existing class.  In inheritance process existing class is known as Parent / Base class, newly created class is known as Derived / Child class.  In inheritance process, child class will get all the features of parent / base class.  Man purpose of inheritance is code Re-usability and providing additional functionality/enhancement.

102)  List out the types of inheritance? There are four type of inheritance are present. They are 1. single Inheritance  2. Multiple Inheritance  3. Multi level Inheritance 4. Hierarchical inheritance 5. Hybrid Inheritance.

 103)  What is single Inheritance explain? Single Inheritance: Creating a single new class from single base class is known as Single Inheritance. 
104) What is hierarchical inheritance? An inheritance relationship with only one super class and multiple sub classes.

105)  What is multiple Inheritance explain? Multiple Inheritance: Creating a new class from two or more base classes is known as Multiple Inheritance.
106)  What is Multi Level Inheritance explains? Multi Level Inheritance: Creating a new class from already derived class is known as Multi Level Inheritance.

107)  What is Hybrid Inheritance explain? Hybrid Inheritance: This is combination of any other two types of Inheritance.

108)  How do you implement inheritance in C#.Net explain? Class ParentClassName { ----- ----- } Class ChildClassName:ParentClassName { ----- ----- }

 109)  What is “this” keyword explain?

It similar to “this” pointer in c++. It represents current working object. This keyword can’t be used in the static methods because a static method doesn’t have current objects. Syntax: this.field this.method

110) What is “Base” keyword explain? ‘Base’ keyword is used within the overridden method for calling the virtual function.

111)  What is the purpose of Member Access operator (.)? We can access the class members by using member access operator after creating an object for the class. We can use ‘.’ Operator as  Eg: Objectname.membername; Or We can use ‘.’ Operator with class name also (in case of static) as Eg: className.membername;

 112) What is an Access Modifier explain? Access Modifier is used to provide restriction to the members of a class or class to access in same class or in derived class in same Assembly or different Assembly etc.

 113)  List out the types of Access Modifier explains? .Net supports five Access Modifiers. They are  1. Private  2. Public  3. Protected 4. Internal 5. Protected Internal

114) Explain the difference among private, protected, internal, protected Internal and public Access Modifier?  Private: Private Members are accessible only within the same class.  Public : Public Members are accessible anywhere in the class  Protected: Protected Members are accessible within the same class and also in the derived class; derived class might be in same assembly or in different assembly.  Internal: Internal Members are accessible in any class with in the same assembly but nor accessible in any class outside the assembly.  Protected Internal: This is combination of both Protected and internal i.e. protected internal members are accessible in any class with in the same assembly and also from the derived classes outside the assembly, but not accessible from the Non – Derived classes outside the assembly.

 115) What is an Abstract Function explain? A function which contains only Declaration / Signature and doesn’t contain Implementation / Body / Definition, is known as Abstract function.

116)  What key word is used to make a function as Abstract? Abstract is the keyword is used to make function as Abstract.

117)  Is overriding of an abstract function contain function body? No.

 118)  Can an abstract function contain function body? No.

119)  What is an Abstract class explain? Abstract class is a class which contains one or more Abstract Methods.

120)  What key word is used to make a class as Abstract? Abstract is a keyword used to make a class as Abstract.

121)  Can an abstract class contain Non- Abstract functions? Yes.

122)  Can we instantiate an abstract class directly? No, we cannot instantiate an Abstract class directly.

123)  Is creating / deriving a new class from an abstract class Mandatory? No.

124)  What members an abstract class can contain? Public and Abstract

125)  Differentiate between a Virtual Function and an Abstract Function?
Virtual functions Abstract functions
we are implementing same function in both the base class and derived class 
We are declaring a function in base class only and implementing the same function in derived class.
Uses virtual (in base class) and override( in derived class) keywords
Uses abstract(in base class) and override( in derived class) keywords. 

126)  What is an Interface explain?  If a class contains all abstract functions then it is known as an Interface.  Interfaces do not provide implementation. They are implemented by classes, and defined as separate entities from classes.

127) What key word is used to create an interface? Interface is keyword is used to create an interface.

128)  What members an interface can contain? Pubic and abstract

  129) What members an interface cannot contain?

Interface does not contain Non-Abstract Methods, data fields, Constructors, Destructors.

130)  What is the purpose of an interface explain? An Interface is used to implementation of multiple inheritance in

 131)  By default how interface members are treated? By default interface members are treated as public and abstract.

132)  Is it compulsory to create a new class from an interface? Yes.

133)  Can an interface be instantiated directly? Interface cannot be instantiated directly.

134)  Differentiate and Compare between an Abstract class and interface?
Sr No. Abstract Class Interface 1 A Class Which contains one or more Abstract Functions is known as an Abstract Class A class which contains all Abstract functions is known as an Interface. 2 An Abstract Class can contain non Abstract functions An Interface cannot contain non Abstract functions 3 An Abstract Class can contain all members of class An Interface can contain only Abstract functions, Properties, Indexers, Events and cannot contain Non abstract functions, Data Fields, Constructors and Destructors. 4 Use abstract keyword to create an Abstract Class Use interface keyword to create an Interface 5 An abstract class cannot be used to Implement Multiple Inheritance An Interface can be used to Implement Multiple Inheritance. 6 By Default Abstract Class Members are Not Public and not Abstract By Default Interface Members are Public and Abstract. 7 An abstract class cannot be instantiated directly An interface cannot be instantiated directly 8 Creating a new class from an abstract class is must to consume it. Creating a new class from an Interface is must to consume it.

 135) Explain about the explicit interface implementation? Interface interfaceName { Type methodName(args_list);
 } Class className:interfaceName { -- Public Type methodName(args_list) { -- } -- }

 136)  What happens if a virtual Function is not overridden? Nothing happens

. 137)  What happens if an Abstract Function is not overridden? Error will be occurred when we didn’t override the abstract function.

138)  What happens if an object is created to an Abstract Class? Compile time Error will be occurred.

139) What happens if an object is created to an interface? Compile time error will be occurred.

 140)  Give the syntax to over load an operator? Syntax: type operator operator-symbol (parameter-list)

141) Explain the situation where do you implement inheritance?  Inheritance implemented in code Re-usability and providing additional functionality/enhancement.

142) What is a property explain?  A property is a member of a class, used to write the data in the data field and read the data from the data field of a class  A property can never store the data, just used to transfer the data

 143) What is an accessor explain? Accessor is used to Access the data from the data fields.

144)  How many accessors can a property contain? There are two accessors are present. They are Set Accessors and Get Accessors

145) Explain the purpose of set accessor? Set Accessor is used to write the data into the data field.

146) Explain the purpose of get accessor? Get Accessor is used to get the data from the data fields.

147) What is the syntax of set accessor?

Syntax: Set {  DataFiledName = value; }

148) What is the syntax of get accessor? Syntax: Get {  Return DataFiledName; }

149)  What is the default and fixed variable that set accessor contains? This will contain a default and fixed variable named as “value”. 

150)  What should be the Data type of the property? Same as data type of the variable for what you have creates that property.

151) List out the Types of Properties? There are three type of Properties are present. They are. 1. Read only Properties.  2. Write only Properties. 3. Read Write Properties.

152)  Explain about Read Only Property? This is used to read the data from the Data Field.

153) What accessor does Read Only property contain? This property will contain one accessors i.e. get.

154)  Explain about Write Only Property?  This is used to write the data into Data field of a class.   Using this property, we can’t read the data from the data field.

 155) What accessor does Write Only Property contain? This property will contain only one accessor i.e. set accessor.

 156)  Explain about Read Write Property? This is used to read the data from the Data Field and to write the Data into the Data Field.

  157) What accessors does Read Write property contain? This property will contain two accessors i.e. get and set. 158) What is the syntax of Read Only Property? Syntax: Access Modifier Data Type property Name

{  Get  {   Return DataFiledName;  } }

 159) What is the syntax of Write Only Property? Syntax: Access Modifier Data Type Property Name {  set  {   Datafieldname=value;  } } 160) What is the syntax of Read Write Property? Syntax: Access Modifier Data Type Property Name {  set  {   Datafieldname=value;  }  get { Return Datafieldname; } }

 161) Can a Property store the data? No the Property does not store the data; just it is used to transfer the data.

162) Can a Property accept arguments? No.

 163)  List out the types of accessors? There are two types of Accessors are Symmetric Accessors and a symmetric Accessors. 164)  What is the default accessibility of the accessors? By default Accessibility of Assessors is same as the Accessibility of the property. 165) What are Symmetric Accessors explain? If the accessibility of the Accessors is same, then accessors are known as Symmetric Accessors.

166)  What are Asymmetric Accessors explain? If the Accessibility of the Accessors is not same, then Assessors are known as Asymmetric.

167) What is the purpose of property? Properties enable a class to expose a public way of getting and setting values, while hiding implementation or verification code. 168) What are the advantages of properties? (or) Why Properties are used?  Properties will provide abstraction to the Data fields.  Properties will provide security to the Data fields.  Properties can be used to validate the data before allowing a change. 

169)  Explain how do you provide Data Abstraction using Properties? We can provide the data abstraction using properties by creating an object for the class (which contains private type data fields) in the other class. Generally we can’t access private data fields in other class, but by using properties we can able to transfer the data into those private variables and we can get the results finally also.

 170)  How do you make a property as Read only by writing both the accessors? get {  Return DataFiledName; }

 171) How do you make a property as Write only by writing both the accessors? Set {  DataFiledName = value; }

172) What is a partial class?
A class which code can be written in two or more source files is known as partial class.

173) Which keyword is used to write a partial class? “partial” is the keyword. 174) In which level the partial keyword is used? Method level and class level.

 175) In which situations partial classes will be used? When working on large projects. We can split the project into separate files and permits multiple programmers work on it simultaneously.

176) What is a partial method? A partial method is created using the ‘partial’ keyword. It contains two parts a) The declaration( signature) b) The implementation.

177) Is it possible to implement the partial method in more than once?
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No. it raises compile time error.

 178) What happens if you ignore the implementation of partial method? Compiler removes the signature and all calls for the method.

179) What is the default access modifier of partial method? Private

180) Is it possible to change the access modifier of the partial method? No. it raises a compile time error. Even though it raises error when you mention the ‘private’ explicitly.

 181) Is it possible to include both declaration and implementation at same time? No. it raises a compile time error.

182) What is the default return type of partial method? “Void” is the default return type. It raises an error if you specify any other return type. 183) Is it possible to declare a partial method in non partial class? No. 184) What is is a Microsoft technology. It provides classes for interacting with the database. 185) How can you interact with the database Before Using DAO, RDO and ADO.

186) Is is disconnected oriented or not? Yes.

187) Which providers are required when you connect to the database through OLEDB? SQL Server   -- SQLOLEDB (released by Microsoft Corporation). Oracle   -- MSDAORA (  “  ). Oracle  -- ORACLEDB.ORACLE (released by Oracle corp.)

188) What types of database are we can connect using a) File databases – Dbase, fox pro, MS Access, MS Excel etc. b) Server databases – SQL Server, Oracle, My Sql etc.

 189) What actions we can do on Database using We can Insert the data, delete the data, update the data, retrieve the data from database and executes the stored procedure already created at backend database.

190) What are the Namespaces which contains the classes provided by the for communicating with the database? a) System.Data b) System.Data.SqlClient c) System.Data.OleDb d) System.Data.OracleClient

191) What are the classes under the namespace “System.Data”? a) DataSet b) DataTable c) DataRow d) DataColumn e) DataView f) DataRelation

192) What are the classes under the namespace “System.Data.OleDb”? a) OleDbConnection b) OleDbCommand c) OleDbDataAdapter d) OleDbDataReader e) OleDbParameter

193) What are the classes under the namespace “System.Data.SqlClient”? a) SqlConnection b) SqlCommand c) SqlDataAdapter d) SqlDataReader e) SqlParameter

 194) What are the classes under the namespace “System.Data.OracleClient”? a) OracleConnection b) OracleCommand c) OracleDataAdapter d) OracleParameter e) OracleDataReader

 195) What are the main activities require performing the database operations? a) Establish the connection b) Applying a statement c) Expecting the result

196) How can you establish the connection from front end to back end? We can establish the connection using ‘Connection’ class.  Syntax: Connection (string ConnectionString)

197) What are the attributes for ConnectionString? a) userID or uid b) password or pwd

c) database d) Provider e) server

 198) Write the syntax for OleDbConnection class? OleDbConnection  objectName=new  OleDbConnection(“userid=xxx; password=xxx;server=xxx;provider=xxx;database=xxx”);

199) Write the syntax for SqlConnection class?(Sql Server based Authentication mode) SqlConnectionobjectName=new SqlConnection(“userid=xxx; Password=xxx;server=xxx;database=xxx”); ** no need to mention the provider name.

 200) Write the syntax for SqlConnection class?(Windows based Authentication mode) SqlConnectionobjectName=new SqlConnection(“Integarted Security=true;server=xxx”); ** no need to mention the provider name.

201) How can you open a connection from front end to back end using Connection class? Using Open ( ) method. Syntax: objectName.Open( );

202) How to pass the SQL statement from front end to back end? You can pass the SQL statement using Command Class. Syntax: Command ( string Statement,connectionObject);

203) What type of statements you can send from front end to back end? We can pass insert, update, delete, select statements and stored procedures. 204) What are the types of queries? a) Action queries – insert , delete and update commands b) Non Action queries – Select command.

205) What are the methods used for applying changes made by the queries sent from front end? a) For Action Queries – ExecuteNonQuery( ) b) For Non Action Queries – ExecuteReader( ) ** these two methods are available in the Command class

206) What is the use of ExcuteNonQuery() ? This method moves the execution flow to backend database, execute the command there and then come back with some result. This method returns no. of rows effected by executing the command.

207) How many ways you can retrieve the data from the databse? Two ways. They are  i) Connection oriented architecture ii) Disconnected oriented architecture
208) What are the classes used in connected oriented architecture? i) Connection ii) Command iii) DataReader

 209) Which method is used to open the connection? Open( ) 210) Which method is used to read the data from the DataReader object? Read ( ). This method returns the Boolean value.

211) What is the use ofDataReader? DataReader class is used to create a buffer(a temporary memory location) for storing the results at front end which are getting from the back end database.
212) Which method is used to hide the form? Hide( )

 213) Which method is used to show the form? Show ( )  214) What is the nature of SqlDataReader?4 SqlDataReader is Read only and Forward Only.

215) Is it possible to change the data using SqlDataReader? Not possible.

216) SqlDataReader is connected or Disconnected? SqlDatReader is connected oriented.

 217) Is it possible to create an instance for SqlDataReader class? No. you can’t create an instance for SqlDatReader class using new operator. The SqlCommand object’s ExecuteReader ( ) creates and returns an instance of SqlDataReader.

 218) What is the purpose of Read( )? Read() at a time reads only one record. 219) What are the classes required for disconnected oriented architecture? i) Connection ii) DataAdapter iii) DataSet iv) DataTable v) DataRow

 220) What is use of DataAdapter class? This class is used to pass the SQL Statement from front end to back end. It’s just like Command class in connected model.

221) What is use of DataSet class? This is buffer for holding the data at frontend which is getting from the back end.

 222) Is it possible to store more than one table’s data in one DataSet? Yes. It’s possible to store multiple tables data at a time.

223) What is the use of DataTable class? This is also a buffer but in this at a time you can store one table’s data only.

224) What is the use of DataRow class? This is also a buffer in this we can store one row of data at a time.

225) How can you fill the data into a DataSet? UsingDataAdapter object’sFill ( )method.

 226) What is DataGridView ? DataGridView is a control which displays the data in a tabular format.

227) Is it possible to store a DataSet’s data into a DataGridView control? Yes. It’s possible.

228) Which property is required to holds the DataSet’s data into DataGridView control? ‘datasource’ property is used to bind the data into DataGridView control

 229) Is it possible to navigate within DataSet? Yes.

 230) What is the drawback of passing the SQL commands directly to the database? Every time the user passes the SQL command first it compiled and then executes. If it contains any compilation errors the error information will be sent back to the front end directly. If there is no error the command will be executed and the result will be sent back to the front end. How many times you pass the command these two actions will be performed. In this approach the processing time will be wasted for unnecessary compilation of the command, burden on the database increases also.

 231) How you can overcome the above problem? Using stored procedures

232) What is a stored procedure? A stored procedure is database object which contains pre compiled queries.

 233) What happens when you call a stored procedure from front end? When you call a stored procedure from front end, then the queries present in the procedure will not be compiled rather will run directly.

 234) Which class is used to call a procedure from front end? Command class.

235) How you can pass the parameters from front end to back end? Using AddWithValue ( ) method you can pass the parameters to a stored procedure from front end to back end.

Eg: commandClassObject.Parameters.AddWithValue(“parameter”,value);

236) Explain the process of executing the stored procedure from front end ? i) Import the namespace Eg: using System.Data.SqlClient; ii) Establish the connection Eg: SqlConnectioncn=new SqlConnection( connection String ); iii) Open the connection Eg: ( ); iv) Construct the command class object Eg: Sqlcommandcmd-new SqlCommand(“storedProcedureName”,cn);   v) Change the command type of command class object Eg:cmd.CommandType=CommandType.StoredProcedure; vi) Assign the parameters to command class object. Eg: Cmd.parameters.AddWithValue(parametername,value); vii) Execute the procedure Eg: Cmd.ExecuteNonQuery( ); viii) Close the connection Eg: Cn.close( );

237) What are the types of parameters of stored procedure? Two types of parameters. i) In parameters ii) Out Parameters

238) What is the default type of the stored procedure paramters? By default the stored procedure parameters are treated as in parameters.

239) How can you pass the in parameters to the stored procedure from front end? Using SqlParameter class.

240) How can you specify the OUT parameters of the stored procedure at front end? You can specify the OUT parameters using Direction property of SqlParameter class object. Eg: P2.direction=ParameterDirection.output;

241) What is the use of DataView class? Using DataView class object ,we can sort ,filter the view of the data table.

242) In which namespace DataView class is available? The DataView class is available under the namespace “ System.Data”

243) What are the important properties of DataView class?
i) Sort ii) RowFilter iii) RowSortFilter

244) Is it possible to maintain the relations among the tables in the DataSet? Yes, it’s possible by using DataRelation and DataColumn classes.

245) Give an example for creating the columns and relatons among the tables in the DataSet? Create the primary key and foreign key columns as shown below DataColumn  pk=datasetObject.Tables[“dept”].columns[“columnName”]; DataColumn  fk=datasetObject.Tables[“emp”].columns[“columnName”]; Establish the relations among tables as shown DataRelation  dr=new DataRelation(“reference”,pk,fk); Add the relation to the DataSet object as shown datasetObject.Realtions.Add(dr);

246) What is the use of OpenDialog control? The OpenDialog control is used to display the open dialog box in our form. It will add in the component tray of your application not in the form.

247) Is it possible to store an image in the database directly? Not possible. You need to convert the image into byte format and then store it in the database. Eg: Byte [ ] data=File.ReadAllBytes(image1);

248) Write the steps to retrieve an image from database and display it in the picture box control. Byte [ ] data= (Byte [  ])ds.Tables[0].rows[0][4]; MemoryStream ms=new MemoryStream(data); pictureBox1.Image=Image.FromStream(ms);

249) What is the use of CommandBuilder class? SqlCommandBuilder class is used to generate update, insert and delete commands automatically. But first you need to pass the select command to the Command Builder class object.

250) What is XML? i) XML is an open standard format. ii) XML stands for eXtensible Markup Language. iii) XML is a tag based programming language. iv) XML is used to describe the data.

251) What is the use of XML? XML is used to communicate among the applications developed in various technologies.

 252) Is XML tags are case sensitive? No.

253) In which you can prepare the XML code? XML code is prepared in any text editor like notepad.

 254) Where the XML code is executed? XML code is executed within the browser. 255) Which is needed the browser for executing the XML code? Browser needs XML parser for executing the XML code.

256) How many XML tags are there? XML tags are i) Only one ROOT tag – represents database name ii) One or more Parent tags – represents table name iii) One or more child tags – represents column names

257) What is the extension of XML data file? XML data is stored in a file with an extension of “ .xml “.
 258) What is the extension of the XML structure file? XML structure is stored in a separate file with an extension of “.xsd”. “.XSD” stands for XML Schema Document.

259) What is the serialization? The serialization is a process of converting the data memory objects (temporary data) to physical form (.xml).

 260) What is the “de serialization”? The “De serialization” is the process of converting the physical form data to memory objects form. 261) Which method is used perform the serialization process? WriteXml( ).

262) Which method is used perform the De serialization process? ReadXml( ).

 263) In which class the above two methods are available? The WriteXml( ) and ReadXml( ) methods are available in the class “DataSet”.

264) What is the use of “App.Config” file? The App.Config file is a configuration file used to perform the common settings required for a single project or group of windows forms within a single project. For example Database connections.

 265) What is the default extension of a configuration file? The default extension of the configuration file is “.config”

 266) In which form the configuration file will stored? The configuration file will be in the form of XML

 267) What is the root tag of configuration file?
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<Configuration> tag is the root tag.

 268) Which tag is used to declare the variables globally in the app.config file? <AppSettings> tag.

 269) What is the sub tag of <AppSettings> tag? <Add> tag is the sub tag of <AppSettings> tag.

 270) What are the attributes of the <Add> tag? <Add> tag contains two properties i) Key ii) value

271) What is the use of the ‘key’ attribute? The ‘key’ attribute is used to store the variable name.

 272) What is the use of the ‘value’ attribute? The ‘value’ attribute is used to store the data to be stored in that variable (stored in key attribute). 273) How can you access the variables stored in key attribute? Using “ConfigurationSettings” is the class, you can access the variables.

274) In which namespace the “ConfigurationSettings” class is available? Under  “System.Configuration” namespace.

 275) What is the structure of the configuration file? <Configuration> <AppSettings> <Add key= “a” value= “100”/> <Add key= “b” value= “Balaji”/> </AppSettings> </Configuration>

276) How can you call the configuration settings value in your application? ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings[“a”]; -- refers the value stored in the key “a”. 277) What is multi threading? Multi threading is used to execute multiple methods or multiple applications are works simultaneously.

 278) What is the advantage of Multi threading? Using multi threading we can break a complex task in a single application into multiple threads and they are executes independently and simultaneously.

279) What is a Thread? Thread is a class, using this class we can create multiple threads. This class is used for creating and managing the created thread. 280) Which namespace has threading?

“ System.Threading”  is the namespace.

281) Can you explain in brief how can we implement threading? i) Import the API, like  using System.Threading; ii) Create the thread, like Thread th = new Thread(method name); iii) Start the thread, like th.Start( );

282) What is Thread.Sleep( ) in Threading? The Thread.Sleep( ) method deactivates the current executed thread features. This method takes the expiry time. After the expiry time thread will executes automatically.  Eg: Thread.Sleep(1000): ** Time is in milliseconds.

283) What is Thread.Start( ) in Threading? The Thread.Start( ) method is used to start the created thread. Eg: threadObject.Start( );

 284) What is Thread.Sudpend( ) and Thread.Resume( ) in Threading? The Thread.Suspend( ) method deactivates the executed thread features. This method features can be reusable in the application by using Thread.Resume( );

285) What is an array? Arrays are multiple value containers of fixed type. Arrays are fixed size.

286) What is a collection? Collections are basically developed from arrays. In order to hold different types of values on the same array you require collections. The collections are dynamic sizable.

287) What are the collection classes in .NET? .NET provides the following collection classes. i) ArrayList ii) List iii) Dictionary iv) Stack v) Queue

 288) Which namespace the collection classes are available? “System.Collections” is the namespace.

289) Write brief implementation of ArrayList? i) Import the namespace, like using System.Collections; ii) Create an instance, like ArrayList obj=new ArrayList( ); iii) Add the values, like obj.Add(value); iv) Get the currently existing no. of values in the collections, like obj.Count( );

v) Get the individual element in the collections, like obj[Index];

 290) What is the collection Initializer? The main purpose of the collection initializer is to initialize the elements of a collection at the time of declaration. It reduces the length of the code. Eg: ArrayList obj=new ArrayList{10,20,”abc”};

 291) What is a List? List is a collection class and also a generic class.

292) Which namespace contains the List collection class? “System.Collections.Generic” is the namespace.

293) Write the syntax of List collection class? List<type> obj=new List<type>( ):

294) Write brief implementation of the List collection class? i) Import namespace, like using System.Colections.Generic; ii) Create instance ,like List<type> obj=new List<type>( ); iii) Add the values, like obj.Add(value); iv) Get the currently existing no of values present in the collections, like obj.Count( ); v) Get individual elements in the collections. Like obj[Index].

295) What is Dictionary class? A Dictionary class is a collection class. It is a collection of key, value pairs. It provides fat lookups for values using keys. Keys in Dictionary must be unique. While creating a Dictionary you need to specify the type for key and value.

296) Write the methods of Dictionary class? i) TryGetValue( ) ii) Count( ) iii) Remove( ) iv) Clear( )

297) Write the syntax of Dictionary class? Dictionary<keyType,valueType> obj=new Dictionary<keyValue,valueName>( );

298) Write the types of application logic? i) Presentation Logic ii) Business Logic iii) Database Logic

299) What are the types of application development architectures? i) 1 - tier architecture / monolithic architecture ii) 2 – tier architecture

iii) 3 – tier architecture iv) Multi tier architecture/ distributed architecture/ N – tier architecture.

About Mallikarjun A

Mallikarjun A
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